This site was created and founded in early spring 2020 to help and support to the people of Italy fight against the coronavirus known as COVID-19. We joined the CESVI charity organisation in Bergamo - Italy during our activity and collection. There was the charity fundraise to support the Papa Giovanni XXIII hospital in Bergamo and the elderly people. 

A great sum of EUR 1'500'000 was raised in this collection to support doctors, nurses and medical staff, as well as to support and help the elderly people in Bergamo and Milano. Thanks to everyone who helped. You have the great heart !!!

Later the 2020, the virus spread throughout the world, and now the whole world is looking for a solution to this difficult situation. Please stay together with positive mind helping each other and we will find the way to solve this hard situation. 

© 2020 HI Coffee Friends - Help Italy our Coffee Friends
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