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 Donate via facebook and Help us 
Support the Papa Giovanni XXIII hospital in Bergamo (Italy)
doctors, nurses and all the medical staff there

(more info below on this page)

Become our Great Coffee Heart Friend by the voluntary donation, 

make your web record on this website if you want.

The public voluntary money collection for this mission was created on facebook for Charity Organization CESVI, which organize directly support for Papa Giovanni XXIII Hospital

You donate the Charity organization CESVI, located directly in the city of Bergamo, region Lombardy, Italy with this your Facebook voluntary donation. Charity organization CESVI organize direct supporting Mission for the Bergamo hospital Papa Giovanni XXIII. and also for the citizens of the city Bergamo and Milano too.

You can find more Info about our Mission below on this page - please have a look . . .


   Our New Great Heart Coffee Friends  :  The COVID-19 Positive Patients in Italy

22.4.2020   8  :  187'327

21.4.2020   7  :  182'957

20.4.2020   7  :  181'228

19.4.2020   5  :  178'972

18.4.2020   5  :  175'925

17.4.2020   5  :  172'434

16.4.2020   2  :  168'941

15.4.2020   1  :  165'155

14.4.2020   1  :  162'488

13.4.2020   1  :  159'516

12.4.2020   1  :  156'363

Our Mission:

Help Italy Coffee Friends! "HI Coffee Friends!"

. . . this activity is created to support and help to the people fight against the coronavirus of the 2019 COVID-19.
We established this activity to support especially Italian people in this battle.

"Who can help?" - "You!"

All coffee friends, all cafe or restaurants operators, all baristas, all coffee roasters, all baristas lessons providers, all coffee schools, all cafe guests, all coffee lovers and all of YOU with great heart - all of you can join us and help.

... and sure also all of YOU who do not drink coffee.

All of you can become the Great Coffee Heart Friend!


You can make the voluntary donation for support the people fight against the COVID-19. 

All donations shall go to the Charity Organization which has direct Mission supporting the coronavirus battle in Italy.


We will use the donations to support people affected by coronavirus in Italy, as well as to support projects related to the fight against coronavirus in Italy, as well as in other regions. Actual Missions you can see below on this page. 


All members of governments and all leaders are doing as much work as they can do in these days. But there are still white empty places where they are not able to watch in this moment. There started also new activities which need support. We shall search these empty spaces where the people need some support and help also in helpfull new projects.

Why start for ITALY?

1) Lot of people could say: Italy - it is the sovereign state, so why we should to support them, and even when we see the situation is going to be more worse also in our own region. Yes! But the situation in Italy is really very critical. The strong impact of the COVID-19 in Italy started as one of the earlest in Europe and no one were prepared for the strong power ot this "enemy". So the Italian are on the front battle line with this "enemy" and we have to support them and express them they are not alone. We have heard several times: "They dont't hold the situation in their hands! They don't control their situation!" But whom of us can be sure that we could hold the situation in OUR hands in the case the virus started in our region? Now we draw a lot of valuable information about the fight with this virus right from this front battle line from Italy - from the still fighting and already tired people. Now we have the chance to express them our support and to fight against the virus also together by our way. 

2) I love Italy with its lovely open heart people. I like the country, the region with sea and with beautiful varieties of the land and also with the mountains . . . blooming meadows. I like their cusine, wine . . . and of sure coffee . . . and the people.

3) . . . and I live in Brno - the second largest city in the Czech Republic. We have the international airport here also. But there are not to much lines here - maybe 3 maybe sometimes 5 - I don't know exactly. But sometimes one of these lines is the direct conection to Bergamo the city very close to city of Milano. ... and this is the region where this fight has began here in Europe.

Sometimes people must do something and I am sure all together we are able to do something great.

Thank you for your attention!!!

Mission #1
Support the Papa Giovanni XXIII hospital in Bergamo

There are more and more coronavirus positive cases in Italy day by day. The situation is still very bad. All hospitals are under big pressure and all of the doctors and nurses and other medical stuff are still fighting on the front battle line in this hard battle with this enemy.

Our first mission belong to the Bergamo Hospital. There are many things needed to help the hospital, its staff and patients at the same time. We are not able to recognize just one target on this our beginning and the situation is also changing day by day. In this supporting Mission I would like to raise € 5,000.00 with your help and support directly the Papa Giovanni XXIII hospital in Bergamo by these yours donations, the hospital which is hard fighting this virus affection from its beginning. We come to direct contact to the coordinator of help to this hospital and together we can target to specific point which we could be able to help to solve.

There are still so sad cases when positive patients are separated with no contact with their relatives. All doctors, nurses and other medical staff are physically, psychically and mainly emotionally exhausted. No one, who is not on their places, is able to imagine and see their daily toil but also their solid will to stay, fight and hold their positions. Their will to follow their Hippocratic oath and help the patients win their cases is exemplary for all of us. And our big Thanks belong to each one of them.

A lot of another countries lead the same war now, but the Italy was the first in Europe with this strange fight and all other countries and their experts use the Italian experiences and skills how we can effective lead the battle against this COVID-19. And the Bargamo Hospital is in the center, where it had began here in Europe. And that's why I want to support directly the hospital in Bergamo with this 1st Mission. 

Via the Charity organization CESVI, which is supporting directly the region of the city Bergamo and Milano. This Organization acts direct Mission in the Papa Giovanni XXIII hospital in Bergamo.

Two or three weeks ago I saw as the right target to buy Tables for the patients to have the opportunity to comunicate and to have the visual contact with their relatives. The elderly hospitalized people placed in a hospital are unable to see each others with their relatives. They can just to make a call.  Unfortunately sometimes it could be the last chance to see their relatives. This hospital started this service, to have the possibility to communicate with the relative via video calls, right now - see here.  They have 30 devices (laptops, smartphones etc.) in this moment and they are waiting for next ones.  

But only the people in the direct contact in the region knows their actual needs and they know where is the most important point of help. And I am sure the people from CESVI organization know it well.

Dear Ladies and Gentleman,

thank you very much for your attention. 

We are preparing the space for you on this web site, where you can use the opportunity to promote your cafe, restaurant, roaster company, coffee school, etc. if you can see it interesting for you. Also the fans of cafes, etc. shall have the opportunity make a website record to express their support to some of their favourite coffe bar, etc. This possibility shall be free of charge as our Thank you for your supporting of our Mission.

Please be patient. More info shall come soon as possible. Thank you.

In the case you shall want to use the opportunity to make the record on this website 

you can see the sample of web record here:


Cafe / Roaster / Company

Street 263/23

la Citta


45603, Country

Phone: +490 99 XXX-4321 

FB  -  instagram  -  www


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© 2020 HI Coffee Friends - Help Italy our Coffee Friends
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